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Ellie Browning

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All About

Ellie joined Coastal Radio in February 2024, studying journalism at the University of Central Lancashire. Ellie can be seen on our social pages talking all about the best things on TV; plus interviewing some musicians for the radio. 

Who is your career inspiration? I’d probably say Allison Hammond she just seems like she always has so much fun in everything she does!

Favourite Coastal Highlight so far? Just meeting everyone and getting involved.

What Movie best describes you? If Gilmore Girls was a film then that would 100% be my life but as a film I’d Probably say Bridgett Jones she’s so relatable 

It's 5pm on a Friday Afternoon, what are you doing? Most likely going to the gym, hanging out with friends and dancing to Taylor Swift or watching tv with my mum.

If you could swap lives with anyone in the office, who would it be and why? Any of the presenters probably but also maybe Lucy she always does really awesome things.

If you were in a band, what would your band name be? Ninjas Underground

If you could work in any musical, what musical would it be and who would you play? Probably Sandy in Grease she’s always been my dream role! 

What are your three favourite songs? 

  1. Radio Head - Creep
  2.  Adele - All I Ask
  3. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris 

Quick-fire Quiz

Train or Plane? Definitely plane I love flying so much and travelling and trains can be such a nightmare. 

Working In Office or At Home? Office it’s much more fun 

Coffee or Tea? Always a coffee girl 

What's on Weekly or The Fylde Football Podcast? What’s on Weekly I’m not rly into football.

Team Presenter or Team Producer? Team Presenter definitely